Meet Dashboards:

Hive your way

built by the world’s fastest moving teams

One central dashboard

Manage every
project in one place

Pages are your personalized hub for everything happening in your workspace. Pull together important information in a few clicks.

Your building Blocks

Widgets that
work for you

Whether you want to view project data in a table, bar chart, completion graph, or as a custom embed, we’ve got a widget for you. Stack, add, and delete your widgets in real-time.

flexible insights at all levels

Zoom in (or out)
on your data

Quick-click into the project data behind each widget to get the full picture. Dashboards streamlines your most important data, while giving you access to the data behind the insights.

Hive your way

Customization in
three clicks

Once you’ve viewed your data, use widget customization to filter and manipulate your visuals. Hone in on the most important projects, tags, assignees, and more.

Everything in one place

Dashboards with goals for every team

Your own personal hub in Hive with tracking on your tasks, your team’s goals, and the organization’s overall progress.
Bring all of your team’s tasks, projects, goals, and communication into one central hub. Utilize Dashboards as a way to stay connected and easily onboard new teammates, or give others visibility into your team’s goals and milestones.
Keep everyone across your organization aligned regardless of hybrid, in-office, or remote location. Update Dashboards as goals are reached and share exciting updates across your company.
Whether you’re working with internal or external clients, bring everything they need to know onto one Dashboard. Show project progress, to-dos, and more in a cohesive, custom layout.

See for yourself why successful teams use Hive