In Her Shoes

How This Female-Focused Nonprofit Saves Hours With Hive

Table of Contents

InHerShoes Movement is a 501(c)3 nonprofit in the business of courage. They’re an LA based organization with chapters around the United States, and they’re dedicated to helping girls and women live the life they love, one courageous act at a time. InHerShoes helps women figure out what they’re afraid of, and gives them the tools to be more courageous and help them grow. They’ve helped hundreds of women around the world undergo massive transformations focusing on the whole person, enhancing confidence and making sure that they’re helping women advance personally and professionally.

From October 12th to October 14th, InHerShoes is hosting an incredible event that Hive is sponsoring called the Catalyze Courage Summit: Day Of The Girl. This event is a collective movement that taps into the power of women across generations to push forward gender equity. To do this, InHerShoes aims to provide participants with resources, practical steps, and user-friendly information to make informed decisions about how they can get involved and who they can get involved with to push forward gender equity. 

Day Of The Girl
InHerShoes Startup Grind Event

To power their organization and create meaningful change, InHerShoes relies on Hive’s comprehensive project management capabilities. As a network of volunteers working from different time zones, finding a central place to connect was critical. Before Hive, the organization had tried multiple platforms including ranging from simple to more comprehensive project management, none of which worked for their team.

Their primary requirements for a tool were something that was visually appealing, sleek, easy to use, helped the team with time management, sorted project by chapter (there are various chapters of their organization), and had a Gantt view for timeline planning. When they found Hive, the team knew that it’s sleek and intuitive interface was exactly what they were looking for. They loved that Hive was customizable, and could be made as advanced as they needed. 

It’s been such a streamlined process using Hive. It’s the first time we’ve ever gotten our team to work together on one platform. Hive has been amazing. – Jasmine Cruz, Head of Marketing

Within Hive, InHerShoes has their projects divided up by teams, like Marketing, Events, and Partners, so that team leads have easy access to all information pertaining to their team and tasks. Individual events or marketing initiatives are nested as child projects within the larger parent projects, so that each parent project exists as it’s own full ecosystem. Every Wednesday, teams go into their projects and make sure that things are fully updated and running smoothly before their weekly meeting, which allows managers and leaders to have a clear view of everything.

In each individual action card, the InHerShoes team tags teammates, leaves any relevant comments, and uploads any files that they need to share. The action cards and project provide a full picture of exactly how initiatives are progressing, which is great as teammates are often in different time zones and needed a tool that would allow them to track comprehensive project progress in detail. For individual work, team members reference My Actions, which is a running to-do list of all of their tasks, and some even make individual projects that contain all of their tasks. 

In terms of layouts in Hive, the three most popular layouts on the InHerShoes team are status view, Gantt charts, and calendar. Status is a basic view that all teams use to see how projects are progressing, and Gantt charts are used to look at holistic project progress. The marketing team loves calendar view because they use it as a content calendar, where they plan each piece of content across platforms and upload all graphic design and assets to the card. This saves the team multiple hours of work per week, as they don’t have to go digging through emails to retrieve assets each time a post needs to be made.

The Newsfeed is another major part of their Hive experience, which they use as almost a Facebook Wall, where they post any articles, press, welcome messages, and other materials that they want everyone in the organization to see. This has also replaced email in a lot of ways, and helps keep communication streamlined and accessible. Finally, Hive Notes are used at InHerShoes to track all tasks and next steps from their weekly team meetings. The team also uses Hive Notes to assign and email teammates next steps, which ensures they will never miss a next step again.

Overall, Hive has been an incredible addition to the In Her Shoes family and helped them grow as an organization. Without Hive, their team would have a much harder time communicating across time zones and staying organized.

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