remote work

5 Ways Remote Work Has Completely Changed My Life For The Better

In recent years, remote work has become more and more of a fixture in the workplace. Many companies are discovering the benefits of allowing their employees to work remotely — from an increase in productivity to the potential to onboard or bring on new talent that may not be in the same area.

But for me, as a full-time remote content editor, the benefits of my job have been even more personal. These are the five ways I’ve felt WFH is life-changing, below.

1. More Family Time

Prior to working remotely, I struggled with accessing time with my family. Living across the country, I rarely saw them, except for major holidays. But working remotely gives me the opportunity to fly to California and spend a few weeks reconnecting with my dad, sister and the rest of my close-knit family. Without remote work, I wouldn’t see them nearly as much. I’m grateful I can. 

2. Increased Income

Prior to COVID-19, I worked full-time in an office. I spent $130 a month on commuting expenses alone — and that’s not factoring in lunch out of the office every day. Since the pandemic, I have had the privilege of WFH life and, with that, an increased income. Not only am I able to save money, but remote work has allowed me to showcase my true skills. The results? Finally being paid what I deserve.

3. Better Productivity

I am not a person who loves water-cooler chats. In fact, I actively avoided small talk when I was in an office every day. Now that I’m working from home, I can crank out work quickly and efficiently, without any distractions. I’m able to focus on every task I need to complete. Plus, working from home can be more comfortable as well. 

4. More Opportunity To Have My ‘Dream Job Setup’

As a remote worker, I have the ability to work from anywhere. A coffee shop, the local Brooklyn library, a charter bus and even just my apartment. This tremendous flexibility allows me to feel like I can create my dream job setup. Instead of being tied to a desk for eight hours, I can switch locations and feel my creativity flow throughout.

5. Increased Confidence

Lastly, working on my own and managing my own time has helped me to better plan for the week ahead. Not having the pressure of commuting or having an office to report to has given me more confidence in my ability to manage my own schedule. Plus, I get to plan my work for each day and trust that I am able to prioritize what’s best.

Ultimately, while there are pros and cons to working remotely, it has been one of the best things I have done in my career. I am able to balance my work and home life and do both with ease. As more and more companies allow employees to work remotely, I am sure these benefits will continue to be life-changing.