working naked

Can Working Naked Actually Improve Your Life?

Not everyone is comfortable being naked. But doing certain activities while nude — like working out — has been proven to have its own benefits. Even when it comes to working (while in the comfort of your home) in the nude.

To all my friends finding themselves in the hybrid or work-from-home environment of their dreams… is working naked worth it?

Working Naked Could Boost Self-Esteem

While it might not be immediately obvious why, being naked and experiencing yourself without clothing has actually been proven to increase self-esteem. Even the most in-shape human being with washboard abs and a workout routine will probably find things they are uncomfortable about when it comes to their bodies if they aren’t as familiar with the layout. The more you observe something, the more used to it you can become, and the more normal seeing it is.

Existing in the buff can also boost your sensory experience. Noticing the texture of the surfaces you come into contact with, the way the cross breeze hits your body, the cushioning of the grass on your feet (if you are confident enough to strut into your yard, of course), how different temperatures throughout your home affect you at different intervals in the year. As a result of all of this, you may feel more in-tune with your surroundings. Feeling connected to the world around you can usher in a sense of self unlike any other. 

Confidence can boost work effectiveness and productivity, and give you an overall sense of empowerment while you approach your workday.

It Could Help You Get in Shape

If for some reason, you find that you are displeased with the shape and space you take, seeing yourself naked could help drive you to a healthier lifestyle. While that clearly isn’t the main goal of this practice, it can be a positive side effect. Another great thing about being naked? Not wearing clothing actually stimulates the growth of good fat (brown adipose tissue) and helps to decrease the amount of unhealthy fat (white adipose tissue). It can lower cortisol naturally, keeping your body out of fight or flight mode and discouraging weight gain. So, your body could actually experience a toning effect when given more room to breathe during the week. 

It Could Increase Patience

Even if you are not swayed into having more appreciation for your body while clothesless, there is a chance that working naked could help you develop more grace and patience for yourself and others. Catching a glimpse of yourself in a mirror, perhaps in a different position or with varying postures than usual, can be very off-putting and alarming. It is something you are not used to seeing. 

The texture of your skin, the dimples and freckles you may have. The way your skin moves over your muscles when you reach over to grab a pencil or the gait with which you walk across a room. Whether you are pleased or not, it gives you space to come to terms with your body. The grace and forgiveness you learn to feel for your own body can help immensely when dealing with other people.

Will You Try It Out?

Did you know there is an official Working Naked Day? It’s February 3rd. While we have a few months before we can celebrate en masse, you may want to start practicing from your own home in the coming weeks.