Lift Your Team’s Spirit With These Employee Appreciation Quotes

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Not feeling valued at work is the top reason for quitting your job these days, according to McKinsey, with 54% of workers citing not feeling valued by their employer as their reason for leaving their job. Employee recognition matters a lot. And, thankfully, it’s something you can control using employee appreciation quotes.

Showing your teammates and reports that you appreciate them doesn’t have to look like a grand gesture or a pay raise either. It’s about the little things. Actions like acknowledging outstanding performance, remembering a special occasion in someone’s personal life, or giving a heartfelt thank you, go a long way towards making employees feel appreciated.

And you don’t need to wait until a ceremonious occasion like a quarterly meeting or performance appraisal to share positive feedback or show your gratitude for your team’s hard work either. You can do so over the messaging platforms that you use on a daily basis, such as Hive, which includes an in-app messenger.

Can’t find the right words? Use the employee appreciation quotes below to recognize individual performance, give your team a morale boost, celebrate the accomplishment of a goal, encourage your team after a failure or thank someone who is leaving the company.

When you want to recognize individual performance

Thank you for leading the charge on that project. Your hard work shows in the results: I love [______]

You’ve been crushing it. I keep hearing great comments about [______]

I want to take a moment to highlight Shanae’s contributions to the [______] project. She played a pivotal role in [______] and [______]. Thank you, Shanae!

You are amazing. You always [______] and our team is lucky to have you.

I really appreciate that you went above and beyond to [______].

We were able to [______] thanks to Justin’s initiative. Great work, Justin!

I want to acknowledge your contribution to [_________] project. You excel at [__________] and in bringing [_______] to our organization. The [_________] team was impressed with your knowledge, leadership and enthusiasm on this project. Keep it up!

When your team needs a morale boost

The past few weeks have been challenging for all of us. Thank you all for showing up every day and giving this goal your all despite the difficulties. It means a lot and those tough times truly show that we have an exceptional team dynamic in the way we collaborate to solve problems.

Today I want to take a few minutes to thank the [______] team. You often work behind the scenes, but what you do is so important to our success.

I want to take a moment to celebrate a few wins. We’ve been working hard and it’s easy to focus on areas of improvement, but there are also so many positive developments and it’s important to acknowledge them.

I want to share positive feedback that we have gotten from [______]. This is great news and we should all be proud. Thank you for your dedication.

Let’s acknowledge all the work Stephanie and Edgar put into this project. Their unique contribution made it possible to the [______] team to deliver the final draft within the deadline. Talk about teamwork! Special thanks to [_____] for putting together a gratitude event for our teams next week!

When your team reaches a goal

We just reached [______]! Congratulations to all, especially Mike and Juliet and their teams for [______] and Savannah for [______]. A celebration is in order.

Our numbers are up [______] compared to last quarter. Thank you all for your efforts, they are clearly paying off. And a huge shoutout to Anand and Jess for [______].

Amazing news: [______]. This would not have been possible without all your hard work and dedication over the past few months, especially when [______]. It was no easy feat and you all crushed it.

I have a big announcement: we are up to [______]! I want to thank Tomide and Zuleyka for their commitment in [______] and also Elvia and Ricardo for bringing in their [________]. We wouldn’t be the same without you!

When your team fails

We didn’t accomplish what we set out to do, but this is a great opportunity to learn from our mistakes and try again. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

We set ambitious goals so we can push ourselves outside of our comfort zone. We may not have reached this one, and it’s disappointing considering all our hard work, but we still accomplished [______]. Let’s debrief and figure out our next steps.

This is not the outcome that we wanted, but it doesn’t mean we won’t get there. Let’s take a moment next week to brainstorm new ideas.

We didn’t reach our goal because we missed several deadlines. If before we didn’t take into account how long each task would take, now we are more experienced. We will be better prepared for [_______] next quarter!

When someone leaves the team

Today is Cayla’s last day. Cayla, thank you for your hard work and commitment over the past two years. We are lucky to have worked with you and we will miss your [______] and [______]. Good luck on your next adventure!

Please take a moment to thank Rob for his contributions as he wraps up five years with our company. Rob, it was a pleasure working with you and you’ve accomplished amazing things here such as [______]. We will be cheering you on as you pursue your next challenge!

I want to take a moment to acknowledge all of the hard work and dedication that John put into our team over the last ten years. We hope you know how much we appreciated your [_________]. We are proud to have called you a colleague and friend! Good luck in all of your future endeavors!

I want to thank Andrea for all the insights, training and contributions she offered to our team during these [____] years! We will always treasure her [________] and remember how she inspired us during [________]. It was our pleasure to learn from her. We will miss you, so please keep in touch! Best of luck on your new position! 

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