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Set & execute company goals

Everyone wants to know how they’re moving their organization forward. Use Hive to set and track goals for your team and company.

built by the world’s fastest moving teams

Templates for all teams

Quick-start any type of project in Hive with our 100s of templates.

RACI Template

Track and organize team responsibilities with our RACI template in Hive.


Template includes:

  • Actions & Subactions
  • Assignments
  • Custom RACI fields

Track My Team Goals

Set, track, and adjust your organization and team goals. Sync them with your day-to-day actions and projects for seamless tracking. 


Template includes:

  • Actions & Subactions
  • Goals
  • Due dates

SWOT Analysis

Identify internal and external strengths and weaknesses with this SWOT template in Hive.


Template includes:

  • Approval logs
  • Custom SWOT stauses
  • Priority level


Start with your most pressing projects

Large or small, Hive can set, plan, and monitor Goals of any size. 


One place for all your data

Pull data from other systems into Hive to streamline operations and reporting against your Goals.


Features for Goal-tracking greatness

Customize your Goal progress source in Hive by leveraging internal Hive data, or custom external data.

Customize and update your Goal status so your entire team understands where things stand.

Invite teammates to work with you towards your individual or company Goal.

Set and track Goal phases, milestones, and more in your centralized Goal dashboard.

Visualize all Goals and their related sub-goals in Chart view for a clear understanding of priorities and progress.

Use completion percentage, on/off track status markers, and more to understand progress at a glance.


View your full Goals web

Visualize your Goals cascade to understand which Goals are dependent on others, percent completion, and more.

AUTOMATION in seconds

Automate your Goal tracking

Sync your existing tech and business stack to Hive Goals. Track progress over time without manual updates.

integrations & workflows

Run your entire company from Hive

Connect your favorite apps to Hive and automate the flow of information across your entire company.

What our customers our saying

“As a marketing-related company, the flow process of our campaigns are completely organized by Hive. We can measure productivity more specifically and are enjoying the platform as a whole.

Maselli Paiz R,
General Manager

“Keeping track of where each project is at, where we are in the timeline, when things are due, it was all a very manual, opaque process.”



Joshua T,
Senior Director

“Hive allows our team to customize our workflow. It also has several tools and features that help us individually organize and optimize our goals and plans.”


Alex S,
Operations Coordinator

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