productivity in 2022

Is Your Team Ready for 2023? 7 Ways to Ensure Their Productivity is At an All-Time High

2022 has kicked into gear, and you should be ready to make this your best year yet. Your company will rely on its team for success, so investing in that team should be the priority.

If you want to boost efficiency (and thereby your profits), workplace productivity is an area you should focus on. Did you know, the average worker is productive for just under three hours per day? When you consider that most people get paid for a full eight hours, it becomes clear that there is a significant amount of wasted time and money.

One way to increase productivity is to find new ways to engage your employees. Engaged team members can increase profits by up to 21%.

If your team members aren’t as productive as they should be, there are strategies you can use to support them.

Want a more efficient and engaged workplace in 2022? Here are seven ways to ensure your team’s productivity is at an all-time high.

1. Set Goals

If you want your team to be productive, they’ll need to be motivated. Setting goals can help keep your employees on track.

Goals should be measurable, clear, and realistic. Not every business will have the same goals, and you should choose outcomes that align with the company’s vision.

For example, your goals could be related to company profits. You can set weekly and monthly sales targets with KPIs (key performance indicators) and create a leaderboard for top-performing employees.

Other goals might not be related directly to financial success. Your team goals could involve staff training, a commitment to collaborate, or completing a project on time.

You can break your long-term goals down into smaller ones and check in regularly with your team to track their progress. When your employees feel like they’re part of the company’s vision and understand the impact of their efforts, productivity will be boosted.

2. Invest in Security

Productivity can take a hit when there are security issues. We all rely on technology, and if your network is compromised, it can lead to forced downtime. Ensure that your software is updated regularly and use an antivirus tool such as firewalls, Android antivirus programs, or setting up a VPN for Windows depending on your company’s needs.

Your staff should understand the expectations for technology use. For example, your policy may include changing passwords regularly, no social media use, and compulsory internet safety training. As part of the internet safety training, make sure to educate your staff on website spoofing and how to avoid becoming victim to such attacks. This includes being cautious of clicking on links from unknown sources or downloading files from untrusted websites.

It’s also important to have provisions in place for secure remote work. More teams are working remotely than ever before, and chances are you have a flexible workplace.

This trend is set to continue through 2022, so now is the time to double-check whether you have the right systems in place. Access to apps and data should only be given to authorized people, and passwords should be managed correctly. Recently, there has been a surge in interest in eliminating passwords entirely and adopting other security measures such as biometric scanners, tokens, and password-less authentication solutions like Cloud RADIUS.

If you’re using cloud-based platforms for areas of your business, such as customer communication, sales data, or reports, make sure it’s secure. One way to do this is to utilize a cloud VPN for business teams that adds an extra layer of security.

Are the developers active? Do they patch and update the software? Is there a two-factor authentication process when you log in?

Remember, if your work tools are compromised, your productivity can take a hit. Waiting for systems to be restored or restarted can take time.

3. Focus on Delegation

Good managers know how to delegate. Every member of your team will have a unique skillset, and aligning these with specific job duties can help your workdays run smoothly.

You’ll need to understand what your employees are good at. If you give someone a task they have experience with or enjoy, they’ll usually be more productive.

For each role, consider writing a clear list of job duties on your knowledge base. You can also add this to your job description during the hiring process. When each team member knows what they’re responsible for, they’ll always know what to expect.

You can use a task manager to make splitting projects and allocating tasks much simpler. It allows you to set clear roles and see who has availability.

When you delegate using your best task management software, you can ensure that no one is overwhelmed by a large workload. Plus, no one will be sitting around waiting for something to do. You can check calendars, book appointments, and set deadlines.

This type of software works well for remote workers, but it can also be used in hybrid and in-person workspaces.

Here’s an example of task management software:

4. Reduce the Need for Mundane Tasks

If your employees are bored, they won’t be productive. Think about some of the repetitive tasks your team is responsible for. Is there a more efficient way to do these things?

Online tools can help you cut down on some of those mundane tasks. Let’s say you have a finance department. Using programs like Excel and Word to create bills and record payments can be time-consuming. Furthermore, you can use video recording tools such as StoryXpress to make your daily stand-ups interesting. Team members can just send across a quick video message rather than having to type a long email and message.

Instead, you can choose a cloud-based accounting program with automation. For example, some solutions send recurring invoices and reminders for overdue accounts.

Another tool that can help your finance department is an invoice extractor. Instead of spending hours extracting data from financial papers, this solution will streamline your processes using AI.

There will be other time-consuming tasks that can hinder your team’s productivity. Some of these duties can be outsourced to free your team members up for higher priority tasks.

For example, there may be interruptions in the form of phone calls that impact your team’s momentum. If this is the case, you can hire call center operators to answer incoming customer queries and use contact center automation to optimize the process.

5. Schedule Downtime

If your team members aren’t as productive as they could be, it may be time for some planned downtime. Stress can affect efficiency, and it’s not uncommon for employees to experience burnout.

Try to be flexible with time off and give your team opportunities to unwind. For example, you can have a Long Lunch Friday and set up a Chill Out Corner for employees to relax in if they need to take time out.

While it’s important to connect, only schedule meetings when they’re essential. Meetings can take time away from other tasks and be tiring for your employees. This is especially true if you have a remote workforce, as many people are experiencing screen fatigue.

Before planning a meeting, think about whether it’s something you could say in an email. Make sure that it’s during work hours so your team doesn’t feel overextended.

Sometimes, a day out of the office can give your employees the downtime they need. Team building sessions, training days, and rostered days off are all options to consider.

6. Make Communication a Priority

Another area to focus on in 2022 is communication. If you want a productive workplace, collaboration is key. In order to accomplish effective communication, you can consider implementing a client collaboration software that allows you to be in touch with your workforce and also track their productivity.

As a leader, you should be available to answer any questions. If a team member is unsure what to do, it could lead to mistakes or procrastination. But, if you’re approachable and ready to help, they’ll be more likely to ask for assistance.

When explaining new processes, you should always be clear and have resources your team can refer to if they need clarification. For example, if you’re introducing new software, you can share resources and how-tos. Make these resources easily accessible with a shared document.

As a team, your employees should be able to work together. Encourage communication between your team members by introducing new staff. You can even put them into smaller groups to work on projects.

Consider social activities during work hours, like shared lunches and guest speakers. These types of events will create a more positive work environment as your team members get to know one another. You can even organize creative virtual team building activities if some team members work remotely.

7. Offer Training Opportunities

Sometimes your team may be less productive because they don’t have the skills they need for the job.

If you want to boost productivity this year, look for opportunities to upskill your workers. For example, a receptionist could improve their efficiency by taking a typing course. Or, a team leader could receive management training.

Your team members may have specific areas they want to be trained in. Alternatively, you can create training programs where improvement is needed. Training can be done internally or through an educational institution.

Training should start when you first hire new team members. A comprehensive orientation program, mentorship, and ongoing training will be beneficial.

Your team may need refresher courses to keep their skills up to date. For example, if they have first aid training, refresher courses will be needed every few years to re-certify.

Investing in your workers with education and training will improve productivity. Training can eventually lead to promotion, giving you more loyal employees. As an added benefit, this can also improve retention rates.

Ensure Team Productivity is at an All-Time High in 2022

If you want to take your business to the next level in 2022, you’ll need the help of a strong team. Improving productivity is possible when you implement a few simple strategies.

Give your team direction with clear goals that align with the company’s vision for success. Ensure that your technology is secure, especially if you have a remote workforce.

Delegation is key, and you can allocate tasks to each team member based on their skills and availability. You can also reduce the need for mundane processes by using automation software and outsourcing repetitive tasks.

Make communication a priority and schedule downtime to keep your team motivated.

Don’t forget to offer training opportunities. If your staff members are skilled in their roles, they’ll be able to complete tasks quicker and at a higher standard.

Are you ready for a more productive team in 2022? Put these tips on your to-do list.

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